Submission agreement

Submission agreement


§ 1 Subject of agreement

Subject are the provided artistic and photographic pieces by you in connection with this agreement.

You ensure that you are authorized to transfer all rights of the provided artistic pieces and that no third-party rights are being violated.

§ 2 User right

orvelio™ (represented by Samuel Marques Lucio) acquires the right to use the provided images indefinitely within the legal period of protection in Germany for the following purposes:

The creation of a photo book, which will be sold through our sales channels.
We acquire the right to use the provided images for print and physical goods.
We acquire a simple user right for the stated time period.

If you have transferred your rights of the pieces to another collecting society, you will obtain approval for the planned usage. Apart from that, your copyright stays unaffected.

§ 3 Credit

orvelio™ (represented by Samuel Marques Lucio) is obligated to give credit to the originator (you) of the provided images at a suitable position.

§ 4 Editing

Every image should be presented as a whole. Though, printing over or cropping within the usage requires no explicit approval.

As long as the edit is necessary for the planned use, you can only refuse based on a critical reason, such as in the case of a disfiguration (§ 14 UrhG).